The Body - I've Seen All I Need To See


"I've Seen All I Need To See", The Body's new LP, is quite reasonable. I admit that at first I wasn't at all interested in the group's sound (and frankly, part of me still isn't), however, after repeated listens I finally began to appreciate their interesting approach to elements such as noise, distortion, and intense percussion. Head bopping from start to finish.Melodically, this is quite bold and takes interesting risks! (sometimes they don't pay off - the intro of the first track is disconcerting, in the worst sense of the word) 

However, the agonizing screams are a giant turnoff for me, damn, I swear I tried to get used to them and take them for granted, but can't :/ . Melodically, this is quite bold and takes interesting risks! (sometimes they don't pay off - the intro of the first track is disconcerting, in the worst sense of the word) 

However, the agonizing screams are a giant turnoff for me, damn, I swear I tried to get used to them and take them for granted, but epah, can't :/ . For me, the LP momentum stops whenever we come to an end with gimmicky agonizing screams that add virtually nothing but agony, and it's not agonizing in the best sense - it's kinda stupid actually.  I feel nothing. I'm like, wtf?! who hit him xD? Calm down, dieb. I don't like it, but I kind of respect the terrifying screams, in a way.There is one track where they opt for monster vocals and even though I don't love them, I admit they get the job done.

The beginning of the album (3 tracks) are probably the highlights. The rest is just consistent. Surprisingly, not one-dimensional. If it is, then it plays very well with the dimension it chooses.


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