Stevie Wilson - The Future Bites


Refrains slightly influenced by millenium pop.  The wordplay is relatively interesting, but kinda cringe at the same time. The way it transitions between squeaky vocals and robotic vocals is kinda gimmicky. But the instrumentals though derivative, kind of have texture. I feel nothing xD. When it appeals to emotion - i just feel nothing xD. Instrumentally diverse and even has some slightly catchy moments. The choruses are so meh. Production is not exactly luxurious, especially in terms of vocals - mega average. Lyrics are minimally intriguing at times, but this has gone into the background. Clever lyrics with company/corporation puns. kinda groovy, sometimes.He knows perfectly well that he's trying to revive the 80s xD - pretty self aware. I admit that chorus that satirizes shopping is catchy. Probably the most groovy song of the piece. Is "Personal Shopper" a disco track? Definitely, dance music - notable for the length and synths. This is definitely a hyglight. Some ideas are so random...


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