Pale Waves - Who Am I


Harmless. Like, I'm completely aware that they take advantage of the typical nostalgia of the 2000s and are nothing but Paramore/Yellowcard/Garbage/YeahYeahYeahs 2.0 - in some songs, with spoken words a la Blink 182 or with vocal derivations typical of female vocals (Taylor Swift, Lana?)                                

Although it is slightly overproduced - especially in some isntruments/transitions, it is very far from being something offensive.  There are even moments where the drums and strings come together and make some cool riffs. it's the typical album that doesn't hurt anyone, so there's no reason to hate it, since I find the lyrics and emotion, in general, quite selfware - and it has moments where it recreates the nostalgia left behind by the bands mentioned above (small town, loves and dislikes, sexuality, frustration, etc. )  - yup, the choruses oscillate between being really catchy (not that I'm interested in the content, but they are catchy and bearable during a party, for example), but also manage to be slightly annoying. Although formulated (there is definitely a formula here - chorus verse chorus verse chorus) - I have to admit that every now and then one bridge or another is enjoyable. It has its moments' (Fall To Pieces, Shes My Religion)... but the bottom line is that it's inoffensive in my opinion. The ballad at the end gives it a sense of closure, but could have been better executed. There are choruses here that needed to be rewritten (Easy).


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